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photo essays

photoessay | woodbrook law camp

Three Gates Media

When we travelled to Yindjibarndi country we were invited to the law camp at Woodbrook.  The young men were going through the law, keeping up the traditions practiced for around 60,000 years.  During the day the boys went down to the river, out of sight.  To beat the 43 degree heat, the remaining family members made temporary houses with walls of spinifex and roofs of leaves which they sprayed with water to keep cool.  They cooked and talked and worked while the children played and slept.  At sunset, when the boys returned, their skin darkened with charcoal, the children ran to greet them. Their families embracing them. Walking this land and spending time with the traditional owners it is very easy to see the importance of country and maintaining the connection and culture.   

All images copyright Marnie Richardson

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Listen to part 2 of the RareAir Podcast with Michael Woodley
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