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photo essays

Filtering by Tag: rareairpodcast

photoessay | evi ferrier

Three Gates Media

A visit to the home of artist Evi Ferrier is an overwhelming and wonderful experience.  She will walk you around each room, stopping every now and then to light a candle or two.  She barely notices the floor to ceiling gallery crowding around her.  My first (and almost only) words in the hour I spent there were: Or you could just hang ALL the pictures.  

Listen to the Rare Air podcast with Evi Ferrier
Read the Evi Ferrier explainer

All images © Marnie Richardson

photoessay | dr eman ahmad

Three Gates Media

Here's just a few images taken before Dr Eman Ahmad was interviewed for the RareAir podcast.  

All images ©Marnie Richardson


photoessay | clothilde bullen

Three Gates Media

Here's a small family album generously on loan to us from Clothilde Bullen.  
Listen to the RareAir podcast with Clo.
Read a quick history of Aboriginal art

All images © Clothilde Bullen