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rare air 31 | elizabeth wilson


Rare Air is the first podcast series produced by three gates media.


rare air 31 | elizabeth wilson

Three Gates Media

Have you ever wondered about Pilates?  

A series of stylised movements, that seem like a hybrid of Eastern and Western philosophies, often performed on specially designed equipment?

 Eighteen years ago when I started as a student of the method, I had no idea it would become a significant part of my daily life.

 A few years into my practice, I qualified as an instructor in Sydney  but I didn’t last long as a teacher, finding the effort of giving so intensively in the studio was a tough offset to my job as a mother of four little kids at the time.

 My very first instructor was Elizabeth Wilson at her fledgling Perth Pilates Studio. Today, with over 25 years teaching experience, Elizabeth is a senior Educator at Polestar Pilates Australia, and is the Director of the Perth Pilates Studio – which has grown exponentially since the day we first met.  

 Liz is without a doubt one of the most intelligent people I know and I love hearing her get nerdy about Pilates.

Eighteen years ago when I started as a student of the Pilates method, I had no idea how quickly it would become a significant part of my daily life.

This conversation was recorded at Sugarland Studios on 2018. Thank you Liz so much for your patience waiting for me to publish our conversation.

Mixed by Adrian Sardi at Sugarland Studios
Music "The Summit" by Blue Dot Sessions from