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Rare Air is the first podcast series produced by three gates media.


Filtering by Tag: interview

rare air 31 | elizabeth wilson

Three Gates Media

Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. That’s how the saying goes, and that’s how Elizabeth Wilson feels about her work as a Senior Educator at Polestar Pilates Australia, and Director of the Perth Pilates Studio. Starting out as a vet, with a strong dance background, Elizabeth was quickly drawn to the Pilates method when it emerged in Western Australia over two decades ago. Liz was my first Pilates instructor and inspired me to study the method as an instructor and a student. In this conversation, she shares some of her limitless knowledge on the Pilates, the man and the movement.

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rare air 29 | nadia rosenthal

Three Gates Media

Professor Nadia Rosenthal has devoted her distinguished career to the understanding of how humans might harness the regenerative powers of some animals, to combat the vagaries of injury and age.

Professor Rosenthal's research focuses on the role of growth factors, stem cells and the immune system in repairing injury and her primary focus is on heart muscle. Her book, Heart Development and Regeneration, is upheld as a definitive document in this field.

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rare air 26 | jane caro

Three Gates Media

I met Jane Caro at the 2019 Perth Writers Festival just after the publication of “Accidental Feminists” her exploration of the fortunes of a generation of women swept up in the social changes brought about by second wave feminism.

For our conversation that day, the room was full to the brim of avidly connected people, mostly women, there to be in the presence of someone whose courage to speak up publicly has given THEM a voice. They were there for the ideas, but moreso for Jane Caro herself.

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rare air 25 | michael mosley

Three Gates Media

It was arguably THE GUT that brought Dr Michael Mosley his earliest public recognition.

His 1994 documentary on the work of West Australian researchers Professor Barry Marshall and Dr Robin Warren brought nominations for an Emmy, A BAFTA and also brought a LOT of mail.

The experience marked the realization that Hippocrates was on to something 2500 years ago when he said “All disease begins in the gut”

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